Accomplishments 2019-2020
The Paradise Center Progress Report
July 2019 – June 2020
After Sanders County accepted the deed to the former Paradise School, the Paradise Elementary School Preservation Committee assumed administrative responsibility for the buildings and grounds in July 2016.
The past year’s improvements include obtaining new promotional brochures and highway signage, initial work on an outdoor walking trail exhibit, and completing a renovation project on the historic bell tower.
The recently completed Preliminary Architectural Report provides a series of steps for growth.
This is a summary of notable activities between July 2019 and June 2020.
- Completed remodeling bell tower
- Obtained highway signage for MT
- Highways 200 and 28
- Developed Preliminary Architectural
- Report to support future grants
- Began Paradise Center Christmas Ornament collection
- Write grants for upgrades to school building:
- Heating/cooling system
- Elevator for ADA accessibility
- Develop specifications for mini-roundhouse on walking trail
Hosted third “Christmas in Paradise” with tree lighting of 10 trees decorated by local businesses
- Establish ”Wedding Consortium” with local businesses
- Improve kitchen to accommodate larger and more complex events:
- Combine kitchen and pantry for more space
- Install hand washing sink
- Install utility sink
- Broke ground for an outdoor walking trail, to be open to visitors even when center is closed, with 15 interpretive panels
- Began development of photographic ceramics and fusing glass backdrop for railroad exhibit
- Offer historic “school day” for students
- Create interactive exhibits for youth:
- GLM lake drainage
- Glacial flour
- General geology of NW Montana
- Letters in mail sorter from alumni for youth to “find” something in the building
- Worked with Sanders County Arts Council to host two performances and numerous art classes
- Completed obtaining equipment for firing ceramics and fusing glass
- Hosted 6th Artists in Paradise
- Co-sponsor with Arts Council:
- Humanities events
- “Fireside chats” events
- Improve lighting and sound systems
- Build portable sound system cart
- Install small garage doors to storage area
- Raising funds
- Expanding usage
- Completion of interpretive panels and outdoor walking trail
- Implementing phases of the Preliminary Architectural Report
- Develop additional promotional information
- Continue work on outside landscaping and walking trail historic exhibit
- Gather historic artifacts from local residents for new display cabinets
- Increase number and types of “gift shop” items for sale