Accomplishments 2017-2018
The Paradise Center Progress Report
July 2017 – December 2018
After Sanders County accepted the deed to the former Paradise School, the Paradise Elementary School Preservation Committee assumed administrative responsibility for the buildings and grounds in July 2016.
The Committee has continued preservation, renovation, and repurposing the site through grants, individual/business/organizational contributions, and volunteer work. The center is serving the community and visitors. The past year included development of new exhibits as well as improvements that equip the space for a variety of uses.
This is a summary of notable activities between July 2017 and December 2018.
- Created website and Facebook Page
- Repaired and improves spaces in historic classroom building
- Patched/painted numerous rooms
- Removed whiteboards covering chalkboard areas
- Cleaned numerous storage areas
- Completed renovation of restrooms in auditorium to be ADA accessible
- Developed brand with logo
- Obtained indoor signage
- Improved parking area
- \Completed access ramp to main building
- Upgrade heating in school building
- Expand kitchen in auditorium
- Created foyer display of original art by local artists honoring history and celebrating the future
- Updated lighting in foyer
- Sponsored a community Christmas event
- Redesigned display for school trophies
- Began “Red Frame Stories” to better inform visitors
- Obtain outdoor directional signage
- Plan an official opening
- Create amphitheater for outdoor events
- Obtain additional picnic tables
- Install external doors to auditorium restrooms
- Provide easy access to all floors in school
- Finalize business wedding “consortium”
- Work with VFW / Legion on Veterans Memorial
- Installed 3-D NW Montana exhibit of Glacial Lake Missoula
- Developed display components: o Towns of NW Montana
- Glacial Lake Missoula
- Tourist activities/attractions o State Parks
- Road to the Buffalo
- Big Burn
- Rentable Fire Lookouts
- Historic classroom
- Old Western town
- Created more interpretive information
- Offer historic “school day” for students Install interactive exhibit on flora/fauna Complete the railroad exhibit
- Obtain MT “visitor center” status
- Train volunteers
- Open visitor center
- Develop a wide marketing strategy
- Installed sink/water in art studio
- Hosted George Winston fundraiser
- Created art gallery for local artists
- Added historic tables to gallery
- Created “green room” for performers
- Began system for performance lighting
- Built stage risers for auditorium
- Built audience risers
- Hosted summer arts camp for youth
- Co-sponsor humanities events
- Co-sponsor “fireside chats” events
- Raising funds
- Implementing renovations
- Refining interpretive information for all exhibits
- Begin outside improvements
- Rebuild auditorium stairway
- Implement landscaping plan
- Write grant to connect two buildings
- Install “lift” to make all floors accessible