Accomplishments 2016-2017
The Paradise Center Progress Report
July 2016 – December 2017
The Paradise Elementary School Preservation Committee assumed administrative responsibility for the Paradise Center, formerly the Paradise Elementary School, in July 2016. The Committee immediately began preservation, renovation, and repurposing the site through grants, individual/business/organizational contributions, and volunteer work.
This is a summary of notable activities between July 2016 and December 2017.
- Created master plan for site
- Installed additional yard light
- Installed flood lights on main building
- Patched/painted numerous rooms
- Acquired 200 chairs
- Acquired 20 tables (8 round/12 rectangular)
- Installed “Doner Tree” of funders
- Removed Obsolete wiring
- Upgrading restrooms
- Upgrading website/Facebook page
- Developing brand with logo for Center
- Creating/installing signage
- Build access ramp to main building
- Upgrade heating in main building
- Improve parking area
- Expand kitchen
- Developed rental agreement with costs
- Hosted
- Wedding reception
- Family Reunions
- Numerous birthday parties
- Community classes and gatherings
- Obtained dinnerware service
- Planning a community Christmas event
- Planning an official opening for Spring
- Redesigning display for school trophies
- Creating display of art about the school
- Create amphitheater for outdoor events
- Obtain additional picnic tables
- Install external doors to restrooms
- Resolve access to all floors in school
- Finalize business wedding “consortium”
- Work with VFW/Legion on Memorial
- Received grants for:
- NW Montana 3-D Display
- Part of railroad exhibit
- Consultants on exhibits
- Developing display components:
- Towns of NW Montana
- Glacial Lake Missoula images
- Tourist activities and attractions
- Completing historic classroom
- Writing final grant for railroad exhibit
- Writing “stories” for display
- Offer “school day” for local schools
- Install interactive exhibit on flora/fauna
- Complete/install railroad exhibit
- Obtain MT “visitor center” status
- Train volunteers
- Open visitor center
- Develop a wide marketing strategy
- Repaired and painted upstairs rooms
- Furnished studio space with 12 easels
- Received two pianos
- Built stage risers for multipurpose room
- Hosted numerous events
- Five SCAC performances
- Two Artists in Paradise Exhibits
- Two craft fairs
- Eight fundraising performances
- Created “green room” for performers
- Writing grant for performance lighting
- Writing grant to build audience risers
- Install sink/water on top floor of school
- Co-sponsor humanities event
- Co-sponsor “fireside chats” events
- Continue fundraising and renovations
- Expand usage
Begin outside improvements
- Rebuild multipurpose room stairway
- Implement landscaping plan
- Write grant to connect two buildings
- Install ramp to first floor of school